Coughing is generally a normal defense mechanism of the body and is mostly related to acute respiratory infections in children. 

How to talk with patients and parents about cough medicine:

  •  Coughing is generally a normal defense mechanism of the body.
  •  Research shows that cough medications for common colds – both chemically formulated or plant-based – are not effective and can have potentially serious side effects.
  •  Many cough medicine products have more than one ingredient, increasing the risk of accidental overdose, particularly when combined with other medications.

 You can give the following advice:

  • Do not expose the child to cigarette
  • Provide a good indoor environment with a humidity of 50—60 % and a room temperature of 18°C.
  • Elevate the child’s upper
  • Nasal irrigation with normal saline in case of post-nasal drip
  • Offer honey to children aged 12 months and older, with a teaspoon or melted in
  •  Try a wait-and-see approach, reassess clinical state in a few weeks.

This EAP recommendation is in accordance with Choosing Wisely recommendations of:



  •  Korppi M. Cough and cold medicines should not be recommended for children. Acta Paediatr. 2021 Aug;110(8):2301-2302. PMID: 33811382
  •  Palmu S, Heikkilä P, Kivistö JE, Poutanen R, Korppi M, Renko M, Csonka P. Cough medicine prescriptions for children were significantly reduced by a systematic intervention that reinforced national recommendations. Acta Paediatr. 2022 Jun;111(6):1248-1249. PMID: 35143072
  •  Smith SM, Schroeder K, Fahey T. Over-the-counter (OTC) medications for acute cough in children and adults in community settings. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014 Nov 24;2014(11):CD001831. PMID: 25420096
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