About UEMS

European Union of Medical Specialists

The oldest medical organisation in Europe, with a current membership of 34 countries

UEMS represents over 1.6 million medical specialists in all the different specialties!

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The European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS) is the oldest medical organisation in Europe as it celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2008.
With a current membership of 34 countries, it is the representative organisation of the National Associations of Medical Specialists in the European Union and its associated countries. Its structure consists of a Council responsible for and working through 39 Specialist Sections and their European Boards, addressing training in their respective Specialty and incorporating representatives from academia (Societies, Colleges and Universities).

UEMS represents over 1.6 million medical specialists in all the different specialties. It also has strong links and relations with European Institutions (Commission and Parliament), the other independent European Medical Organisations and the European Medical / Scientific Societies.

By its agreed documents, UEMS sets standards for high quality healthcare practice that are transmitted to the Authorities and Institutions of the EU and the National Medical Associations stimulating and encouraging them to implement its recommendations.

Medical Specialities

The UEMS represents more than 50 medical disciplines through various bodies and structures. The most important ones are the 41 Specialist Sections, which represent independently recognised specialties. They have created a European Board as a subgroup, in conjunction with the relevant European Society, with a view to defining European standards of medical education and training. They also contribute to the work of Multidisciplinary Joint Committees (MJC) which address fields of a multidisciplinary nature.

Related Documents:

Secretary General Report

April 2019

UEMS Conference on CME-CPD in Europe

28th February, 2014

UEMS meeting with European Scientific Societies, Brussels

1st March 2014

Proposed Contribution Key

 2009 – 2012

Meeting Minutes 2009

Paediatrics in Europe – Presentation Slides 2008

UEMS & EACCME – Accreditation Process 2008

EAP-UEMS Presentation Slides 2007

EACCME Meeting Brussels

 Jan 2019

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