RIVER-EU Project
Reducing Inequalities in Vaccine Uptake in the European Region – Engaging Undeserved Communities (RIVER-EU)
EAP is a member of the Consortium running the EU Commission H2020 Project entitled River-EU.
The RIVER-EU project aims to tackle barriers in health systems for vaccine uptake among minority groups in Europe. The five-year project focuses specifically on the MMR and HPV vaccinations in selected communities (migrant community in Greece, Turkish females and Moroccan females in the Netherlands, Ukrainian minority in Poland and Roma community in Slovakia). The project will begin by analysing health system barriers and will then develop new interventions to be implemented and evaluated.
Findings will be used for guidelines that can subsequently be implemented across Europe and project leaders will focus on collaboration with target groups and key stakeholders at every phase of the project. The aims of the project include: to increase understanding of the reasons for low vaccine uptake in specific contexts; to develop strategies to increase vaccination rates in these contexts; to develop recommendations that other health authorities can implement.
The RIVER-EU Coordinator is Danielle Jansen, Assistant professor of the Department of Health Sciences at University Medical Center.